
Janusmed fosterpåverkan

Janusmed fosterpåverkan – Hexyon

Janusmed fosterpåverkan tillhandahåller bedömningar av eventuella risker för fostret, när en gravid kvinna använder olika läkemedel. Observera att texterna är generella, och att en bedömning måste göras i varje enskilt fall. Om du inte är medicinskt utbildad, läs först vår information för patienter och allmänhet.

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Vaccin mot hepatit A och B

Vaccin mot hepatit A och B

Klass : 2

  1. Pollard AJ, Bijker EM. A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020;0(0):1-18.
  2. Psarris A, Sindos M, Daskalakis G, Chondrogianni ME, Panayiotou S, Antsaklis P et al. Immunizations during pregnancy: How, when and why. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019;240(0):29-35.
  3. Infpreg. Vaccinationer Kunskapscentrum för infektionssjukdomar under graviditet. Infpreg [www]. [updated 2024-01-16, cited 2024-09-24].
  4. Celzo F, Buyse H, Welby S, Ibrahimi A. Safety evaluation of adverse events following vaccination with Havrix, Engerix-B or Twinrix during pregnancy. Vaccine. 2020;38(40):6215-6223.
  5. Groom HC, Smith N, Irving SA, Koppolu P, Vazquez-Benitez G, Kharbanda EO et al. Uptake and safety of hepatitis A vaccination during pregnancy: A Vaccine Safety Datalink study. Vaccine. 2019;37(44):6648-6655.
  6. Zhao Y, Jin H, Zhang X, Wang B, Liu P. Viral hepatitis vaccination during pregnancy. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2016;12(4):894-902.
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Vaccin mot difteri

Vaccin mot difteri

Klass : 1

  1. Pollard AJ, Bijker EM. A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020;0(0):1-18.
  2. Heinonen OP, Slone D, Shapiro S. Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy. Publishing Sciences Group, Littleton, Mass. 1977.
  3. Griffin JB, Yu L, Watson D, Turner N, Walls T, Howe AS et al. Pertussis Immunisation in Pregnancy Safety (PIPS) Study: A retrospective cohort study of safety outcomes in pregnant women vaccinated with Tdap vaccine. Vaccine. 2018;36(34):5173-5179.
  4. Psarris A, Sindos M, Daskalakis G, Chondrogianni ME, Panayiotou S, Antsaklis P et al. Immunizations during pregnancy: How, when and why. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019;240(0):29-35.
  5. Laverty M, Crowcroft N, Bolotin S, Hawken S, Wilson K, Amirthalingam G et al. Health Outcomes in Young Children Following Pertussis Vaccination During Pregnancy. Pediatrics. 2021;147(5):0.
  6. Switzer C, Tikhonov I, Khromava A, Pool V, Lévesque LE. Safety and use of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis-5 (Tdap5) vaccine during pregnancy: findings from 11 years of reporting to a pregnancy registry. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2021;1-9.
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Vaccin mot stelkramp

Vaccin mot stelkramp

Klass : 1

  1. Pollard AJ, Bijker EM. A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020;0(0):1-18.
  2. Heinonen OP, Slone D, Shapiro S. Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy. Publishing Sciences Group, Littleton, Mass. 1977.
  3. Psarris A, Sindos M, Daskalakis G, Chondrogianni ME, Panayiotou S, Antsaklis P et al. Immunizations during pregnancy: How, when and why. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019;240(0):29-35.
  4. Sukumaran L, McCarthy NL, Kharbanda EO, McNeil MM, Naleway AL, Klein NP et al. Association of Tdap Vaccination With Acute Events and Adverse Birth Outcomes Among Pregnant Women With Prior Tetanus-Containing Immunizations. JAMA. 2015;314(15):1581-7.
  5. Griffin JB, Yu L, Watson D, Turner N, Walls T, Howe AS et al. Pertussis Immunisation in Pregnancy Safety (PIPS) Study: A retrospective cohort study of safety outcomes in pregnant women vaccinated with Tdap vaccine. Vaccine. 2018;36(34):5173-5179.
  6. Laverty M, Crowcroft N, Bolotin S, Hawken S, Wilson K, Amirthalingam G et al. Health Outcomes in Young Children Following Pertussis Vaccination During Pregnancy. Pediatrics. 2021;147(5):0.
  7. Switzer C, Tikhonov I, Khromava A, Pool V, Lévesque LE. Safety and use of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis-5 (Tdap5) vaccine during pregnancy: findings from 11 years of reporting to a pregnancy registry. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2021;1-9.
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Vaccin mot polio

Vaccin mot polio

Klass : 1

  1. Pollard AJ, Bijker EM. A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020;0(0):1-18.
  2. Heinonen OP, Slone D, Shapiro S. Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy. Publishing Sciences Group, Littleton, Mass. 1977.
  3. Harjulehto-Mervaala T, Aro T, Hiilesmaa VK, Hovi T, Saxén H, Saxén L. Oral polio vaccination during pregnancy: lack of impact on fetal development and perinatal outcome. Clin Infect Dis. 1994;18(3):414-20.
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Vaccin mot kikhosta

Vaccin mot kikhosta

Klass : 1

  1. Pollard AJ, Bijker EM. A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020;0(0):1-18.
  2. Griffin JB, Yu L, Watson D, Turner N, Walls T, Howe AS et al. Pertussis Immunisation in Pregnancy Safety (PIPS) Study: A retrospective cohort study of safety outcomes in pregnant women vaccinated with Tdap vaccine. Vaccine. 2018;36(34):5173-5179.
  3. Psarris A, Sindos M, Daskalakis G, Chondrogianni ME, Panayiotou S, Antsaklis P et al. Immunizations during pregnancy: How, when and why. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019;240(0):29-35.
  4. Laverty M, Crowcroft N, Bolotin S, Hawken S, Wilson K, Amirthalingam G et al. Health Outcomes in Young Children Following Pertussis Vaccination During Pregnancy. Pediatrics. 2021;147(5):0.
  5. Switzer C, Tikhonov I, Khromava A, Pool V, Lévesque LE. Safety and use of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis-5 (Tdap5) vaccine during pregnancy: findings from 11 years of reporting to a pregnancy registry. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2021;1-9.
  6. Megan C Lindley, Katherine E Kahn, Barbara H Bardenheier, Denise V D'Angelo, Fatimah S Dawood, Rebecca V Fink, Fiona Havers, Tami H Skoff. Vital Signs: Burden and Prevention of Influenza and Pertussis Among Pregnant Women and Infants - United States. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2019;68(40):885-892.
  7. Folkhälsomyndigheten. Rekommendation om vaccination mot kikhosta för gravida. Folkhälsomyndigheten [www]. [cited 2022-09-09].
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Vaccin mot haemophilus influenzae typ B

Vaccin mot haemophilus influenzae typ B

Klass : 1

  1. Pollard AJ, Bijker EM. A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020;0(0):1-18.