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Statistikdatabas för läkemedel. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2022 [cited 2023-03-02.]
Statistikdatabas för läkemedel. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2022 [cited 2023-03-02.]
Trimetoprim + sulfametoxazol
Trimetoprim + sulfametoxazol
Klass : A
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Rocha JL, Tuon FF, Johnson JR. Sex, drugs, bugs, and age: rational selection of empirical therapy for outpatient urinary tract infection in an era of extensive antimicrobial resistance. Braz J Infect Dis. 2012;16:115-21.
McGregor JC, Elman MR, Bearden DT, Smith DH. Sex- and age-specific trends in antibiotic resistance patterns of Escherichia coli urinary isolates from outpatients. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:25.
den Heijer CD, Donker GA, Maes J, Stobberingh EE. Antibiotic susceptibility of unselected uropathogenic Escherichia coli from female Dutch general practice patients: a comparison of two surveys with a 5 year interval. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010;65:2128-33.
den Heijer CD, Penders J, Donker GA, Bruggeman CA, Stobberingh EE. The importance of gender-stratified antibiotic resistance surveillance of unselected uropathogens: a Dutch Nationwide Extramural Surveillance study. PLoS One. 2013;8:e60497.
Linhares I, Raposo T, Rodrigues A, Almeida A. Frequency and antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacteria implicated in community urinary tract infections: a ten-year surveillance study (2000-2009). BMC Infect Dis. 2013;13:19.
Amyes SG, Doherty CJ, Young HK. High-level trimethoprim resistance in urinary bacteria. Eur J Clin Microbiol. 1986;5:287-91.
Swerkersson S, Jodal U, Åhrén C, Hansson S. Urinary tract infection in small outpatient children: the influence of age and gender on resistance to oral antimicrobials. Eur J Pediatr. 2014;173:1075-81.
Stamm WE, Guinan ME, Johnson C, Starcher T, Holmes KK, McCormack WM. Effect of treatment regimens for Neisseria gonorrhoeae on simultaneous infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. N Engl J Med. 1984;310:545-9.
Dickson HG. Trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole and thrombocytopenia. Med J Aust. 1978;2:5-7.
Lawson DH, Jick H. Adverse reactions to co-trimoxazole in hospitalized medical patients. Am J Med Sci. 1978;275:53-7.
Rocha JL, Tuon FF, Johnson JR. Sex, drugs, bugs, and age: rational selection of empirical therapy for outpatient urinary tract infection in an era of extensive antimicrobial resistance. Braz J Infect Dis. 2012;16:115-21.
McGregor JC, Elman MR, Bearden DT, Smith DH. Sex- and age-specific trends in antibiotic resistance patterns of Escherichia coli urinary isolates from outpatients. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:25.
den Heijer CD, Donker GA, Maes J, Stobberingh EE. Antibiotic susceptibility of unselected uropathogenic Escherichia coli from female Dutch general practice patients: a comparison of two surveys with a 5 year interval. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010;65:2128-33.
den Heijer CD, Penders J, Donker GA, Bruggeman CA, Stobberingh EE. The importance of gender-stratified antibiotic resistance surveillance of unselected uropathogens: a Dutch Nationwide Extramural Surveillance study. PLoS One. 2013;8:e60497.
Linhares I, Raposo T, Rodrigues A, Almeida A. Frequency and antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacteria implicated in community urinary tract infections: a ten-year surveillance study (2000-2009). BMC Infect Dis. 2013;13:19.
Amyes SG, Doherty CJ, Young HK. High-level trimethoprim resistance in urinary bacteria. Eur J Clin Microbiol. 1986;5:287-91.
Swerkersson S, Jodal U, Åhrén C, Hansson S. Urinary tract infection in small outpatient children: the influence of age and gender on resistance to oral antimicrobials. Eur J Pediatr. 2014;173:1075-81.
Stamm WE, Guinan ME, Johnson C, Starcher T, Holmes KK, McCormack WM. Effect of treatment regimens for Neisseria gonorrhoeae on simultaneous infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. N Engl J Med. 1984;310:545-9.
Dickson HG. Trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole and thrombocytopenia. Med J Aust. 1978;2:5-7.
Lawson DH, Jick H. Adverse reactions to co-trimoxazole in hospitalized medical patients. Am J Med Sci. 1978;275:53-7.