
Janusmed kön och genus

Janusmed kön och genus – Nevirapin Mylan

Janusmed kön och genus är ett kunskapsstöd som tillhandahåller information om köns- och genusaspekter på läkemedelsbehandling. Kunskapsstödet är avsedd främst för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Texterna är generella och ska inte ses som behandlingsriktlinjer. Det är alltid behandlande läkare som ansvarar för patientens medicinering.

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C! C!
C! C!



Klass : C!

  1. Viramune (nevirapine). Summary of Products Characteristics. European Medicines Agency (EMA); 2009
  2. Marinho AT, Rodrigues PM, Caixas U, Antunes AM, Branco T, Harjivan SG et al. Differences in nevirapine biotransformation as a factor for its sex-dependent dimorphic profile of adverse drug reactions. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2014;69(2):476-82.
  3. Wester CW, Stitelman OM, deGruttola V, Bussmann H, Marlink RG, van der Laan MJ. Effect modification by sex and baseline CD4+ cell count among adults receiving combination antiretroviral therapy in Botswana: results from a clinical trial. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012;28(9):981-8.
  4. Tsuchiya N, Pathipvanich P, Wichukchinda N, Rojanawiwat A, Auwanit W, Ariyoshi K et al. Incidence and predictors of regimen-modification from first-line antiretroviral therapy in Thailand: a cohort study. BMC Infect Dis. 2014;14(1):565.
  5. Puthanakit T, Kerr S, Ananworanich J, Bunupuradah T, Boonrak P, Sirisanthana V. Pattern and predictors of immunologic recovery in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children receiving non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based highly active antiretroviral therapy. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009;28(6):488-92.
  6. Shiau S, Kuhn L, Strehlau R, Martens L, McIlleron H, Meredith S et al. Sex differences in responses to antiretroviral treatment in South African HIV-infected children on ritonavir-boosted lopinavir- and nevirapine-based treatment. BMC Pediatr. 2014;14(1):39.
  7. Chawana TD, Reid A, Bwakura T, Gavi S, Nhachi CF. Factors influencing treatment failure in HIV positive adult patients on first line antiretroviral therapy. Cent Afr J Med. 2014;60(5):29-36.
  8. Annan NT, Nelson M, Mandalia S, Bower M, Gazzard BG, Stebbing J. The nucleoside backbone affects durability of efavirenz- or nevirapine-based highly active antiretroviral therapy in antiretroviral-naive individuals. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009;51(2):140-6.
  9. Castelnuovo B, Kiragga A, Mubiru F, Kambugu A, Kamya M, Reynolds SJ. First-line antiretroviral therapy durability in a 10-year cohort of naïve adults started on treatment in Uganda. J Int AIDS Soc. 2016;19(1):20773.
  10. Stewart A, Lehloenya R, Boulle A, de Waal R, Maartens G, Cohen K. Severe antiretroviral-associated skin reactions in South African patients: a case series and case-control analysis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2016;25(11):1313-1319.
  11. Antinori A, Baldini F, Girardi E, Cingolani A, Zaccarelli M, Di Giambenedetto S et al. Female sex and the use of anti-allergic agents increase the risk of developing cutaneous rash associated with nevirapine therapy. AIDS. 2001;15(12):1579-81.
  12. Colafigli M, Di Giambenedetto S, Bracciale L, Fanti I, Prosperi M, Cauda R et al. Long-term follow-up of nevirapine-treated patients in a single-centre cohort. HIV Med. 2009;10(8):461-9.
  13. Sarfo FS, Sarfo MA, Norman B, Phillips R, Chadwick D. Incidence and determinants of nevirapine and efavirenz-related skin rashes in West Africans: nevirapine's epitaph?. PLoS One. 2014;9(4):e94854.
  14. van Leth F, Andrews S, Grinsztejn B, Wilkins E, Lazanas MK, Lange JM et al. The effect of baseline CD4 cell count and HIV-1 viral load on the efficacy and safety of nevirapine or efavirenz-based first-line HAART. AIDS. 2005;19(5):463-71.
  15. Bersoff-Matcha SJ, Miller WC, Aberg JA, van Der Horst C, Hamrick HJ, Powderly WG et al. Sex differences in nevirapine rash. Clin Infect Dis. 2001;32(1):124-9.
  16. Martín-Carbonero L, Núñez M, González-Lahoz J, Soriano V. Incidence of liver injury after beginning antiretroviral therapy with efavirenz or nevirapine. HIV Clin Trials. 2003;4(2):115-20.
  17. Wit FW, Weverling GJ, Weel J, Jurriaans S, Lange JM. Incidence of and risk factors for severe hepatotoxicity associated with antiretroviral combination therapy. J Infect Dis. 2002;186(1):23-31.
  18. Sundaram M, Srinivas CN, Solomon S, Shankar EM, Balakrishnan P, Kumarasamy N. Does gender and nevirapine (NVP) influence abnormal liver functions in HIV disease?. J Infect. 2009;58(3):255-7.
  19. Sanne I, Mommeja-Marin H, Hinkle J, Bartlett JA, Lederman MM, Maartens G et al. Severe hepatotoxicity associated with nevirapine use in HIV-infected subjects. J Infect Dis. 2005;191(6):825-9.
  20. Ocama P, Castelnuovo B, Kamya MR, Kirk GD, Reynolds SJ, Kiragga A et al. Low frequency of liver enzyme elevation in HIV-infected patients attending a large urban treatment centre in Uganda. Int J STD AIDS. 2010;21(8):553-7.
  21. Sanjeeva GN, Sukanya V, Pavithra HB, Dodderi SK, Rewari BB, Govindaraj M et al. Nevirapine-related adverse events among children switched from efavirenz to nevirapine as compared to children who were started on nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy directly. AIDS Care. 2015;27(5):655-9.
  22. Eluwa GI, Badru T, Agu KA, Akpoigbe KJ, Chabikuli O, Hamelmann C. Adverse drug reactions to antiretroviral therapy (ARVs): incidence, type and risk factors in Nigeria. BMC Clin Pharmacol. 2012;12(1):7.
  23. Torti C, Costarelli S, De Silvestri A, Quiros-Roldan E, Lapadula G, Cologni G et al. Analysis of severe hepatic events associated with nevirapine-containing regimens: CD4+ T-cell count and gender in hepatitis C seropositive and seronegative patients. Drug Saf. 2007;30(12):1161-9.
  24. Ombeni W, Kamuhabwa AR. Lipid Profile in HIV-Infected Patients Using First-Line Antiretroviral Drugs. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. 2015;15(2):164-71.
  25. Rosso R, Rossotti R, Di Biagio A, Nicolini L, Adorni F, Orani A et al. Nevirapine-based regimens in routine clinical settings: results from a large Italian cohort of HIV-1 infected adults. Curr Drug Saf. 2011;6(3):138-44.
  26. Mildvan D, Yarrish R, Marshak A, Hutman HW, McDonough M, Lamson M et al. Pharmacokinetic interaction between nevirapine and ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone when administered concurrently to HIV-infected women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2002;29(5):471-7.
  27. Else LJ, Taylor S, Back DJ, Khoo SH. Pharmacokinetics of antiretroviral drugs in anatomical sanctuary sites: the male and female genital tract. Antivir Ther. 2011;16(8):1149-67.
  28. Läkemedelsstatistik. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2017 [cited 2018-07-24.]