
Janusmed kön och genus

Janusmed kön och genus – Metformin EQL Pharma

Janusmed kön och genus är ett kunskapsstöd som tillhandahåller information om köns- och genusaspekter på läkemedelsbehandling. Kunskapsstödet är avsedd främst för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Texterna är generella och ska inte ses som behandlingsriktlinjer. Det är alltid behandlande läkare som ansvarar för patientens medicinering.

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Klass : A

  1. Gale EA, Gillespie KM. Diabetes and gender. Diabetologia. 2001;44(1):3-15.
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  10. Pastor-Villaescusa B, Cañete MD, Caballero-Villarraso J, Hoyos R, Latorre M, Vázquez-Cobela R et al. Metformin for Obesity in Prepubertal and Pubertal Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics. 2017;140(1).
  11. Miller ME, Bonds DE, Gerstein HC, Seaquist ER, Bergenstal RM, Calles-Escandon J et al. The effects of baseline characteristics, glycaemia treatment approach, and glycated haemoglobin concentration on the risk of severe hypoglycaemia: post hoc epidemiological analysis of the ACCORD study. BMJ. 2010;340:b5444.
  12. Wang SH, Chen WJ, Hsu LY, Chien KL, Wu CS. Use of Spontaneous Reporting Systems to Detect Host-Medication Interactions: Sex Differences in Oral Anti-Diabetic Drug-Associated Myocardial Infarction. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7(22):e008959.
  13. Shen Y, Liu F, Li Q, Tang J, Zheng T, Lu F et al. The gonadal hormone regulates the plasma lactate levels in type 2 diabetes treated with and without metformin. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2012;14:469-74.
  14. Esteghamati A, Mousavizadeh M, Noshad S, Zandieh A, Zarei H, Nakhjavani M. Gender-dependent effects of metformin on vaspin and adiponectin in type 2 diabetes patients: a randomized clinical trial. Horm Metab Res. 2013;45:319-25.
  15. Esteghamati A, Noshad S, Rabizadeh S, Ghavami M, Zandieh A, Nakhjavani M. Comparative effects of metformin and pioglitazone on omentin and leptin concentrations in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes: a randomized clinical trial. Regul Pept. 2013;182:1-6.
  16. Lee MS, Hsu CC, Wahlqvist ML, Tsai HN, Chang YH, Huang YC. Type 2 diabetes increases and metformin reduces total, colorectal, liver and pancreatic cancer incidences in Taiwanese: a representative population prospective cohort study of 800,000 individuals. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:20.
  17. Oktay V, Calpar Çıralı İ, Sinan ÜY, Yıldız A, Ersanlı MK. Impact of continuation of metformin prior to elective coronary angiography on acute contrast nephropathy in patients with normal or mildly impaired renal functions. Anatol J Cardiol. 2017;18(5):334-339.
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