
Janusmed kön och genus

Janusmed kön och genus – Cloxacillin Vital Pharma Nordic

Janusmed kön och genus är ett kunskapsstöd som tillhandahåller information om köns- och genusaspekter på läkemedelsbehandling. Kunskapsstödet är avsedd främst för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Texterna är generella och ska inte ses som behandlingsriktlinjer. Det är alltid behandlande läkare som ansvarar för patientens medicinering.

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Klass : B


Cloxacillin, Cloxacillin AB Unimedic Vial Mate, Cloxacillin Navamedic,......

Cloxacillin, Cloxacillin AB Unimedic Vial Mate, Cloxacillin Navamedic, Cloxacillin Stragen, Cloxacillin Vital Pharma Nordic, Ekvacillin



kloxacillin, kloxacillinnatrium (monohydrat)

kloxacillin, kloxacillinnatrium (monohydrat)

Det saknas publicerade placebokontrollerade kliniska studier om skillnader mellan könen avseende effekt och säkerhet av kloxacillin. Farmakokinetiskt finns dock ingen påvisad könsskillnad.

Det saknas publicerade placebokontrollerade kliniska studier om skillnader mellan könen avseende effekt och säkerhet av kloxacillin. Farmakokinetiskt finns dock ingen påvisad könsskillnad.

Pharmacokinetics and dosing
The only pharmacokinetic study with a clinically relevant sex difference analysis found was in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement. Men and women (14 and 24, respectively) received the same dose, cloxacillin 1 g i.v., but if corrected for body surface area, women received a 15% higher dose than men. When adjusted for body surface area, no differences in pharmacokinetic parameters were observed [1].

No studies with an analysis of clinically relevant sex differences of the effect of cloxacillin have been found, except in comparison with other antibacterial agents.

The influence of antibiotics on the incidence of recurrence of pilonidal sinus was evaluated in a prospective study and a subsequent randomized multicenter study (137 men, 60 women). Patients in the prospective group received cloxacillin 2 g i.v. before operation and 300 mg after followed by 600 mg daily for 6 days. Patients in the other group were randomized to either cefoxitin 2 g i.v. before operation or no prophylaxis. The authors report that neither the patients’ sex nor......

# Pharmacokinetics and dosing The only pharmacokinetic study with a clinically relevant sex difference analysis found was in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement. Men and women (14 and 24, respectively) received the same dose, cloxacillin 1 g i.v., but if corrected for body surface area, women received a 15% higher dose than men. When adjusted for body surface area, no differences in pharmacokinetic parameters were observed [1]. # Effects No studies with an analysis of clinically relevant sex differences of the effect of cloxacillin have been found, except in comparison with other antibacterial agents. The influence of antibiotics on the incidence of recurrence of pilonidal sinus was evaluated in a prospective study and a subsequent randomized multicenter study (137 men, 60 women). Patients in the prospective group received cloxacillin 2 g i.v. before operation and 300 mg after followed by 600 mg daily for 6 days. Patients in the other group were randomized to either cefoxitin 2 g i.v. before operation or no prophylaxis. The authors report that neither the patients’ sex nor which antibiotic treatment used predicted recurrence [2]. The benefit of antibiotic prophylaxis in preventing infections after craniotomy has been evaluated based on surveillance data of infections after craniotomy (one including 4 878 men and women, the other study 3134 men, 3109 women) [3,4]. In both studies, patients received cloxacillin or amoxicillin-clavulanate. Results showed that antibiotic prophylaxis decreased infections rates [3] but did not prevent meningitis [4]. Male sex was among risk factors for infection and meningitis. # Adverse effects No studies with an analysis of clinically relevant sex differences regarding adverse effects of cloxacillin have been found. # Reproductive health issues Regarding teratogenic aspects, please consult Janusmed Drugs and Birth Defects (in Swedish, Janusmed fosterpåverkan).
Försäljning på recept

Läkemedel innehållande kloxacillin (ATC-kod J01CF02) används huvudsakligen på sjukhus och därför saknas könsspecifika användningsdata [5].
  1. Vinge E, Nergelius G, Nilsson LG, Lidgren L. Pharmacokinetics of cloxacillin in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1997;52:407-11.
  2. Søndenaa K, Diab R, Nesvik I, Gullaksen FP, Kristiansen RM, Saebø A et al. Influence of failure of primary wound healing on subsequent recurrence of pilonidal sinus combined prospective study and randomised controlled trial. Eur J Surg. 2002;168:614-8.
  3. Korinek AM, Golmard JL, Elcheick A, Bismuth R, van Effenterre R, Coriat P et al. Risk factors for neurosurgical site infections after craniotomy: a critical reappraisal of antibiotic prophylaxis on 4,578 patients. Br J Neurosurg. 2005;19:155-62.
  4. Korinek AM, Baugnon T, Golmard JL, van Effenterre R, Coriat P, Puybasset L. Risk factors for adult nosocomial meningitis after craniotomy: role of antibiotic prophylaxis. Neurosurgery. 2006;59:126-33; discussion 126-33.
  5. Concise. Stockholm: eHälsomyndigheten. 2015 [cited 2016-10-20.]

Litteratursökningsdatum: 10/17/2016

Litteratursökningsdatum: 10/17/2016
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