
Janusmed kön och genus

Janusmed kön och genus – Celecoxib Krka

Janusmed kön och genus är ett kunskapsstöd som tillhandahåller information om köns- och genusaspekter på läkemedelsbehandling. Kunskapsstödet är avsedd främst för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Texterna är generella och ska inte ses som behandlingsriktlinjer. Det är alltid behandlande läkare som ansvarar för patientens medicinering.

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Klass : C

  1. Greenspan JD, Craft RM, LeResche L, Arendt-Nielsen L, Berkley KJ, Fillingim RB et al. Studying sex and gender differences in pain and analgesia: a consensus report. Pain. 2007;132 Suppl 1:S26-45.
  2. Bartley EJ, Fillingim RB. Sex differences in pain: a brief review of clinical and experimental findings. Br J Anaesth. 2013;111(1):52-8.
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  5. Prieto-Pérez R, Ochoa D, Cabaleiro T, Román M, Sánchez-Rojas SD, Talegón M et al. Evaluation of the relationship between polymorphisms in CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 and the pharmacokinetics of celecoxib. J Clin Pharmacol. 2013;53:1261-7.
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  7. Davies NM, McLachlan AJ, Day RO, Williams KM. Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of celecoxib: a selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor. Clin Pharmacokinet . 2000;38:225-42.
  8. Bingham CO, Smugar SS, Wang H, Peloso PM, Gammaitoni A. Predictors of response to cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors in osteoarthritis: pooled results from two identical trials comparing etoricoxib, celecoxib, and placebo. Pain Med. 2011;12:352-61.
  9. Cheung R, Krishnaswami S, Kowalski K. Analgesic efficacy of celecoxib in postoperative oral surgery pain: a single-dose, two-center, randomized, double-blind, active- and placebo-controlled study. Clin Ther. 2007;29 Suppl:2498-510.
  10. Mukherjee D, Nissen SE, Topol EJ. Risk of cardiovascular events associated with selective COX-2 inhibitors. JAMA. 2001;286:954-9.
  11. Coxib and traditional NSAID Trialists' (CNT) Collaboration, Bhala N, Emberson J, Merhi A, Abramson S, Arber N et al. Vascular and upper gastrointestinal effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: meta-analyses of individual participant data from randomised trials. Lancet. 2013;382:769-79.
  12. Nissen SE, Yeomans ND, Solomon DH, Lüscher TF, Libby P, Husni ME et al. Cardiovascular Safety of Celecoxib, Naproxen, or Ibuprofen for Arthritis. N Engl J Med. 2016;375(26):2519-29.
  13. Silverstein FE, Faich G, Goldstein JL, Simon LS, Pincus T, Whelton A et al. Gastrointestinal toxicity with celecoxib vs nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: the CLASS study: A randomized controlled trial Celecoxib Long-term Arthritis Safety Study. JAMA. 2000;284:1247-55.
  14. Stone S, Khamashta MA, Nelson-Piercy C. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and reversible female infertility: is there a link?. Drug Saf. 2002;25:545-51.
  15. Chan VS. A mechanistic perspective on the specificity and extent of COX-2 inhibition in pregnancy. Drug Saf. 2004;27:421-6.
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  17. Cherney DZ, Scholey JW, Nasrallah R, Dekker MG, Slorach C, Bradley TJ et al. Renal hemodynamic effect of cyclooxygenase 2 inhibition in young men and women with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes mellitus. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2008;294:F1336-41.
  18. Richards JB, Joseph L, Schwartzman K, Kreiger N, Tenenhouse A, Goltzman D et al. The effect of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors on bone mineral density: results from the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study. Osteoporos Int. 2006;17:1410-9.
  19. Statistikdatabas för läkemedel. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2022 [cited 2023-03-02.]