
Janusmed kön och genus

Janusmed kön och genus – Ceftazidim Dr. Eberth

Janusmed kön och genus är ett kunskapsstöd som tillhandahåller information om köns- och genusaspekter på läkemedelsbehandling. Kunskapsstödet är avsedd främst för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Texterna är generella och ska inte ses som behandlingsriktlinjer. Det är alltid behandlande läkare som ansvarar för patientens medicinering.

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Klass : A


Ceftazidim Actavis, Ceftazidim Dr. Eberth, Ceftazidim Fresenius Kabi, ......

Ceftazidim Actavis, Ceftazidim Dr. Eberth, Ceftazidim Fresenius Kabi, Ceftazidim Hikma, Ceftazidim Sandoz, Ceftazidima Hikma, Ceftazidime, Ceftazidime for Injection BP, Fortam, Fortum



ceftazidim, ceftazidimpentahydrat

ceftazidim, ceftazidimpentahydrat

Hos patienter med samhällsförvärvad pneumoni har effekten av ceftazidim visats vara likvärdig hos kvinnor och män.

Hos patienter med samhällsförvärvad pneumoni har effekten av ceftazidim visats vara likvärdig hos kvinnor och män.

Pharmacokinetics and dosing
The pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime was assessed in healthy volunteers (12 men, 12 women) receiving 1 g ceftazidime as bolus i.v. injection. Volume of distribution was 17% lower in women. Eight men and eight women also received 1 g ceftazidime i.m. injection. Compared to men, women had 38% higher volume of distribution, 25% lower AUC, higher Cmax and longer Tmax [2]. Also a study in burn patients found that the volume of distribution was higher in women (20%) [3].
In an Ethiopian study assessing appropriate dosage adjustments were made in hospitalized patients with renal impairment (40 men, 33 women), Multivariate analysis showed that there were no difference between men and women in the proportion of appropriately adjusted prescription entries per patient [4].
During pregnancy, renal clearance of ceftazidime has been shown to be higher, 39% during first trimester and 65 % during third trimester, than post-partum. The authors suggest that the dosage of ceftazidime should be increased in pregnancy by approximately 40% [5].

The clinical and bact......

# Pharmacokinetics and dosing The pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime was assessed in healthy volunteers (12 men, 12 women) receiving 1 g ceftazidime as bolus i.v. injection. Volume of distribution was 17% lower in women. Eight men and eight women also received 1 g ceftazidime i.m. injection. Compared to men, women had 38% higher volume of distribution, 25% lower AUC, higher Cmax and longer Tmax [2]. Also a study in burn patients found that the volume of distribution was higher in women (20%) [3]. In an Ethiopian study assessing appropriate dosage adjustments were made in hospitalized patients with renal impairment (40 men, 33 women), Multivariate analysis showed that there were no difference between men and women in the proportion of appropriately adjusted prescription entries per patient [4]. During pregnancy, renal clearance of ceftazidime has been shown to be higher, 39% during first trimester and 65 % during third trimester, than post-partum. The authors suggest that the dosage of ceftazidime should be increased in pregnancy by approximately 40% [5]. # Effects The clinical and bacteriological responses to ceftazidime (1 g every 8 h) versus meropenem (0.5 g every 8 h) were assessed in hospitalized patients (257 men, 152 women) with community-acquired pneumonia, according to risk factors. The responses were similar in men and women in both treatment groups [1]. # Adverse effects No studies with a clinically relevant sex analysis regarding adverse effects of ceftazidime have been found. # Reproductive health issues Regarding teratogenic aspects, please consult Janusmed Drugs and Birth Defects (in Swedish, Janusmed fosterpåverkan).
Försäljning på recept

Läkemedel innehållande ceftazidim (ATC-kod J01DD02) används huvudsakligen på sjukhus och därför saknas könsspecifika användningsdata [6].
  1. Finch RG, Pemberton K, Gildon KM. Pneumonia: the impact of risk factors on the outcome of treatment with meropenem and ceftazidime. J Chemother. 1998;10:35-46.
  2. Sommers DK, Walters L, Van Wyk M, Harding SM, Paton AM, Ayrton J. Pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime in male and female volunteers. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1983;23:892-6.
  3. Conil JM, Georges B, Lavit M, Laguerre J, Samii K, Houin G et al. A population pharmacokinetic approach to ceftazidime use in burn patients: influence of glomerular filtration, gender and mechanical ventilation. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2007;64:27-35.
  4. Getachew H, Tadesse Y, Shibeshi W. Drug dosage adjustment in hospitalized patients with renal impairment at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. BMC Nephrol. 2015;16:158.
  5. Nathorst-Böös J, Philipson A, Hedman A, Arvisson A. Renal elimination of ceftazidime during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1995;172:163-6.
  6. Concise. Stockholm: eHälsomyndigheten. 2015 [cited 2016-08-22.]

Litteratursökningsdatum: 8/16/2016

Litteratursökningsdatum: 8/16/2016