
Janusmed kön och genus

Janusmed kön och genus – Zopiklon

Janusmed kön och genus är ett kunskapsstöd som tillhandahåller information om köns- och genusaspekter på läkemedelsbehandling. Kunskapsstödet är avsedd främst för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Texterna är generella och ska inte ses som behandlingsriktlinjer. Det är alltid behandlande läkare som ansvarar för patientens medicinering.

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Klass : A

  1. Staner L, Ertlé S, Boeijinga P, Rinaudo G, Arnal MA, Muzet A et al. Next-day residual effects of hypnotics in DSM-IV primary insomnia: a driving simulator study with simultaneous electroencephalogram monitoring. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2005;181:790-8.
  2. Vermeeren A, Vuurman EF, Leufkens TR, Van Leeuwen CJ, Van Oers AC, Laska E et al. Residual effects of low-dose sublingual zolpidem on highway driving performance the morning after middle-of-the-night use. Sleep. 2014;37:489-96.
  3. Dollery C Sir, editor. Therapeutic drugs. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1999
  4. Imovane (zopiklon). Summary of Product Characteristics. Swedish Medical Products Agency [updated 2020-10-23, cited 2021-02-16].
  5. Leufkens TR, Vermeeren A. Zopiclone's residual effects on actual driving performance in a standardized test: a pooled analysis of age and sex effects in 4 placebo-controlled studies. Clin Ther. 2014;36:141-50.
  6. Verster JC, Roth T. Gender differences in highway driving performance after administration of sleep medication: a review of the literature. Traffic Inj Prev. 2012;13:286-92.
  7. Johnell K, Fastbom J. The use of benzodiazpines and related drugs amongst older people in Sweden: associated factors and concomitant use of other psychotropics. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2009;24:731-8.
  8. Johnell K, Fastbom J. Gender and use of hypnotics or sedatives in old age: a nationwide register-based study. Int J Clin Pharm. 2011;33:788-93.
  9. Statistikdatabas för läkemedel. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2020 [cited 2021-03-10.]
  10. Andersen AB, Frydenberg M. Long-term use of zopiclone, zolpidem and zaleplon among Danish elderly and the association with sociodemographic factors and use of other drugs. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2011;20:378-85.
  11. Hausken AM, Furu K, Skurtveit S, Engeland A, Bramness JG. Starting insomnia treatment: the use of benzodiazepines versus z-hypnotics A prescription database study of predictors. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2009;65:295-301.
  12. Brownlee K, Devins GM, Flanigan M, Fleming JA, Morehouse R, Moscovitch A et al. Are there gender differences in the prescribing of hypnotic medications for insomnia?. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2003;18:69-73.