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Antikonception-behandlingsrekommendation. Information från Läkemedelsverket. 2014:2;14-28
Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use-3rd ed. (2016). World Health Organization (WHO).
Antikonception-behandlingsrekommendation. Information från Läkemedelsverket. 2014:2;14-28
Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use-3rd ed. (2016). World Health Organization (WHO).
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Nilsson S, Nygren KG, Johansson ED. Ethinyl estradiol in human milk and plasma after oral administration. Contraception 1978;17(2):131-139.
Croxatto HB, Díaz S, Peralta O, Juez G, Herreros C, Casado ME et al. Fertility regulation in nursing women: IV Long-term influence of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive initiated at day 30 postpartum upon lactation and infant growth. Contraception. 1983;27(1):13-25.
Nilsson S, Mellbin T, Hofvander Y, Sundelin C, Valentin J, Nygren KG. Long-term follow-up of children breast-fed by mothers using oral contraceptives. Contraception. 1986;34(5):443-57.
Peralta O, Díaz S, Juez G, Herreros C, Casado ME, Salvatierra AM et al. Fertility regulation in nursing women: V Long-term influence of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive initiated at day 90 postpartum upon lactation and infant growth. Contraception. 1983;27(1):27-38.
Madhavapeddi R, Ramachandran P. Side effects of oral contraceptive use in lactating women--enlargement of breast in a breast-fed child. Contraception 1985;32(5):437-443.
Curtis EM. Oral-contraceptive feminization of a normal male infant: report of a case. Obstet Gynecol 1964;23:295-296.
Marriq P, Oddo G. [Letter: Gynecomastia in the newborn induced by maternal milk? An unusual complication of oral contraceptives]. Nouv Presse Med 1974;3(41-43):2579. (Abstrakt)
Kaern T. Effect of an oral contraceptive immediately post partum on initiation of lactation. Br Med J. 1967;3(5566):644-5.
Tankeyoon M, Dusitsin N, Chalapati S, Koetsawang S, Saibiang S, Sas M et al. Effects of hormonal contraceptives on milk volume and infant growth WHO Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction Task force on oral contraceptives. Contraception. 1984;30(6):505-22.
Lonnerdal B, Forsum E, Hambraeus L. Effect of oral contraceptives on composition and volume of breast milk. Am J Clin Nutr 1980;33(4):816-824.
FFPRHC Guidance (July 2004): Contraceptive choices for breastfeeding women. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2004;30(3):181-9.
Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use-3rd ed. (2016). World Health Organization (WHO).
Louise Thunell, Helena Kopp Kallner. Antikonception– bakgrundsdokumentation. Information från Läkemedelsverket 2014;25(2):39
Nilsson S, Nygren KG, Johansson ED. Ethinyl estradiol in human milk and plasma after oral administration. Contraception 1978;17(2):131-139.
Croxatto HB, Díaz S, Peralta O, Juez G, Herreros C, Casado ME et al. Fertility regulation in nursing women: IV Long-term influence of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive initiated at day 30 postpartum upon lactation and infant growth. Contraception. 1983;27(1):13-25.
Nilsson S, Mellbin T, Hofvander Y, Sundelin C, Valentin J, Nygren KG. Long-term follow-up of children breast-fed by mothers using oral contraceptives. Contraception. 1986;34(5):443-57.
Peralta O, Díaz S, Juez G, Herreros C, Casado ME, Salvatierra AM et al. Fertility regulation in nursing women: V Long-term influence of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive initiated at day 90 postpartum upon lactation and infant growth. Contraception. 1983;27(1):27-38.
Madhavapeddi R, Ramachandran P. Side effects of oral contraceptive use in lactating women--enlargement of breast in a breast-fed child. Contraception 1985;32(5):437-443.
Curtis EM. Oral-contraceptive feminization of a normal male infant: report of a case. Obstet Gynecol 1964;23:295-296.
Marriq P, Oddo G. [Letter: Gynecomastia in the newborn induced by maternal milk? An unusual complication of oral contraceptives]. Nouv Presse Med 1974;3(41-43):2579. (Abstrakt)
Kaern T. Effect of an oral contraceptive immediately post partum on initiation of lactation. Br Med J. 1967;3(5566):644-5.
Tankeyoon M, Dusitsin N, Chalapati S, Koetsawang S, Saibiang S, Sas M et al. Effects of hormonal contraceptives on milk volume and infant growth WHO Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction Task force on oral contraceptives. Contraception. 1984;30(6):505-22.
Lonnerdal B, Forsum E, Hambraeus L. Effect of oral contraceptives on composition and volume of breast milk. Am J Clin Nutr 1980;33(4):816-824.
FFPRHC Guidance (July 2004): Contraceptive choices for breastfeeding women. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2004;30(3):181-9.
Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use-3rd ed. (2016). World Health Organization (WHO).
Louise Thunell, Helena Kopp Kallner. Antikonception– bakgrundsdokumentation. Information från Läkemedelsverket 2014;25(2):39