
Janusmed amning

Janusmed amning – Panocod

Janusmed amning tillhandahåller generella rekommendationer om huruvida ett friskt fullgånget spädbarn kan ammas när modern använder olika läkemedel. Observera att prematura och/eller sjuka spädbarn alltid kräver särskilda överväganden. Om du inte är medicinskt utbildad, läs först vår information för patienter och allmänhet.

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  1. Findlay JW, DeAngelis RL, Kearney MF, Welch RM, Findlay JM. Analgesic drugs in breast milk and plasma. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1981;29(5):625-633.
  2. Meny RG, Naumburg EG, Alger LS, Brill-Miller JL, Brown S. Codeine and the breastfed neonate. J Hum Lact 1993;9(4):237-240.
  3. Madadi P, Ross CJ, Hayden MR, Carleton BC, Gaedigk A, Leeder JS et al. Pharmacogenetics of neonatal opioid toxicity following maternal use of codeine during breastfeeding: a case-control study. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2009;85(1):31-35.
  4. Ito S, Blajchman A, Stephenson M, Eliopoulos C, Koren G. Prospective follow-up of adverse reactions in breast-fed infants exposed to maternal medication. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; (168): 1393-1399.
  5. Davis JM, Bhutari UK. Neonatal apnea and maternal codeine use. Pediatr Res 1984;19:170A.
  6. Naumburg EG, Meny RG. Unexplained neonatal apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis, an association with opioids in breast milk. Clin Res 1987;35(1):79A.
  7. Koren G, Cairns J, Chitayat D, Gaedigk A, Leeder SJ. Pharmacogenetics of morphine poisoning in a breastfed neonate of a codeine-prescribed mother. Lancet 2006;368(9536):704.
  8. Smith JW. Codeine-induced bradycardia in a breast-fed infant. Clin Res 1982;30:259A. Abstract.
  9. Ciszkowski C, Madadi P, Sistonen J et al. The incidence of CNS depression of neonates breastfed by mothers receiving codeine for postpartum analgesia. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2011;89 (Suppl 1)(1):S94.
  10. Lam J, Matlow JN, Ross CJ, Hayden MR, Carleton BC, Madadi P. Postpartum maternal codeine therapy and the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes: the devil is in the details. Ther Drug Monit. 2012;34(4):378-80.

Innehållet senast uppdaterat 2/4/2025

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  1. Berlin CM, Jr., Yaffe SJ, Ragni M. Disposition of acetaminophen in milk, saliva, and plasma of lactating women. Pediatr Pharmacol (New York ) 1980;1(2):135-41.
  2. Bitzen PO, Gustafsson B, Jostell KG, Melander A, Wahlin-Boll E. Excretion of paracetamol in human breast milk. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1981;20(2):123-5.
  3. Notarianni LJ, Oldham HG, Bennett PN. Passage of paracetamol into breast milk and its subsequent metabolism by the neonate. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1987;24(1):63-7.
  4. Matheson I, Lunde PK, Notarianni L. Infant rash caused by paracetamol in breast milk? Pediatrics 1985;76(4):651-2.
  5. Ito S, Blajchman A, Stephenson M, Eliopoulos C, Koren G. Prospective follow-up of adverse reactions in breast-fed infants exposed to maternal medication. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; (168): 1393-1399.

Innehållet senast uppdaterat 2/4/2025