
Janusmed amning

Janusmed amning – Bamyl koffein

Janusmed amning tillhandahåller generella rekommendationer om huruvida ett friskt fullgånget spädbarn kan ammas när modern använder olika läkemedel. Observera att prematura och/eller sjuka spädbarn alltid kräver särskilda överväganden. Om du inte är medicinskt utbildad, läs först vår information för patienter och allmänhet.

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  1. Datta P, Rewers-Felkins K, Kallem RR, Baker T, Hale TW. Transfer of Low Dose Aspirin Into Human Milk. J Hum Lact. 2017;33(2):296-299.
  2. Bailey DN, Weibert RT, Naylor AJ, Shaw RF. A study of salicylate and caffeine excretion in the breast milk of two nursing mothers. J Anal Toxicol. 1982;6:64-8.
  3. Findlay JW, DeAngelis RL, Kearney MF, Welch RM, Findlay JM. Analgesic drugs in breast milk and plasma. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1981;29(5):625-633.
  4. Jamali F, Keshavarz E. Salicylate excretion in breast milk. Int J Pharm. 1981;8:285-290.
  5. Unsworth J, d'Assis-Fonseca A, Beswick DT, Blake DR. Serum salicylate levels in a breast fed infant. Ann Rheum Dis. 1987;46(8):638-9.
  6. Clark JH, Wilson WG. A 16-day-old breast-fed infant with metabolic acidosis caused by salicylate.Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1981 Jan;20(1):53-4.
  7. Ito S, Blajchman A, Stephenson M, Eliopoulos C, Koren G. Prospective follow-up of adverse reactions in breast-fed infants exposed to maternal medication. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; (168): 1393-1399.
  8. HARLEY JD, ROBIN H. "Late" neonatal jaundice in infants with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient erythrocytes. Australas Ann Med. 1962;11:148-55.
  9. Erickson SH, Oppenheim GL. Aspirin in breast milk. J Fam Pract. 1979;8(1):189-90.

Innehållet senast uppdaterat 2/4/2025

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Klass : 2

  1. Ryu JE. Effect of maternal caffeine consumption on heart rate and sleep time of breast-fed infants. Dev Pharmacol Ther. 1985;8:355-63.
  2. Tyrala EE, Dodson WE. Caffeine secretion into breast milk. Arch Dis Child. 1979;54:787-9.
  3. Oo CY, Burgio DE, Kuhn RC, Desai N, McNamara PJ. Pharmacokinetics of caffeine and its demethylated metabolites in lactation: predictions of milk to serum concentration ratios. Pharm Res. 1995;12:313-6.
  4. Stavchansky S, Combs A, Sagraves R, Delgado M, Joshi A. Pharmacokinetics of caffeine in breast milk and plasma after single oral administration of caffeine to lactating mothers. Biopharm Drug Dispos. 1988;9:285-99.
  5. Bailey DN, Weibert RT, Naylor AJ, Shaw RF. A study of salicylate and caffeine excretion in the breast milk of two nursing mothers. J Anal Toxicol. 1982;6:64-8.
  6. Clement MI . Caffeine and babies . BMJ. 1989 MAY 27;298:1461.
  7. Rustin J . Caffeine and babies. BMJ. 1989 JULY 8;299:121.
  8. McCreedy A, Bird S, Brown LJ, Shaw-Stewart J, Chen YF. Effects of maternal caffeine consumption on the breastfed child: a systematic review. Swiss Med Wkly. 2018;148(28):w14665.

Innehållet senast uppdaterat 2/4/2025