
Janusmed sex and gender

Janusmed sex and gender – glycopyrronium tosilate monohydrate

Janusmed Sex and Gender is a knowledge database providing information on sex and gender aspects of drug treatment. The knowledge database is primarily intended to be used by physicians and healthcare professionals. The texts are general and should not be considered as treatment guidelines. The individual patient’s physician is responsible for the patient’s drug treatment.

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  1. Nationella riktlinjer för vård vid astma och kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). Socialstyrelsen. [updated 2018-01-29, cited 2020-09-14].
  2. Wedzicha JA, Singh D, Tsiligianni I, Jenkins C, Fucile S, Fogel R et al. Treatment response to indacaterol/glycopyrronium versus salmeterol/fluticasone in exacerbating COPD patients by gender: a post-hoc analysis in the FLAME study. Respir Res. 2019;20(1):4.
  3. Dharmage SC, Perret JL, Custovic A. Epidemiology of Asthma in Children and Adults. Front Pediatr. 2019;7:246.
  4. Dales RE, Mehdizadeh A, Aaron SD, Vandemheen KL, Clinch J. Sex differences in the clinical presentation and management of airflow obstruction. Eur Respir J. 2006;28:319-22.
  5. Tantisira KG, Colvin R, Tonascia J, Strunk RC, Weiss ST, Fuhlbrigge AL et al. Airway responsiveness in mild to moderate childhood asthma: sex influences on the natural history. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2008;178:325-31.
  6. Rogliani P, Cavalli F, Ritondo BL, Cazzola M, Calzetta L. Sex differences in adult asthma and COPD therapy: a systematic review. Respir Res. 2022;23(1):222.
  7. Seebri Breezhaler (glycopyrronium). Summary of Product Characteristics. European Medicines Agency [updated 2020-02-13, cited 2020-12-29)
  8. Bevespi Aerosphere (glycopyrronium/formoterol). Summary of Product Characteristics. European Medicines Agency [updated 2020-09-17, cited 2020-12-29]
  9. European Medicines Agency (EMA). Xoterna Breezhaler (indacterol/ glycopyrronium bromide) - CHMP assessment report [updated 2013-07-25, cited 2020-12-29].
  10. Tsiligianni I, Mezzi K, Fucile S, Kostikas K, Shen S, Banerji D et al. Response to Indacaterol/Glycopyrronium (IND/GLY) by Sex in Patients with COPD: A Pooled Analysis from the IGNITE Program. COPD. 2017;14(4):375-381.
  11. Kerwin EM, Murray L, Niu X, Dembek C. Clinically Important Deterioration Among Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Treated with Nebulized Glycopyrrolate: A Post Hoc Analysis of Pooled Data from Two Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Studies. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2020;15:2309-2318.
  12. Wedzicha JA, Dahl R, Buhl R, Schubert-Tennigkeit A, Chen H, D'Andrea P et al. Pooled safety analysis of the fixed-dose combination of indacaterol and glycopyrronium (QVA149), its monocomponents, and tiotropium versus placebo in COPD patients. Respir Med. 2014;108(10):1498-507.
  13. European Medicines Agency (EMA). Sialanar (glycopyrronium) - Public assessment report [updated 2016-07-21, cited 2020-12-29].
  14. Wedzicha JA, Singh D, Tsiligianni I, Jenkins C, Fucile S, Fogel R et al. Treatment response to indacaterol/glycopyrronium versus salmeterol/fluticasone in exacerbating COPD patients by gender: a post-hoc analysis in the FLAME study. Respir Res. 2019;20(1):4.
  15. Statistikdatabas för läkemedel. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2020 [cited 2021-03-10.]
  16. Calzetta L, Aiello M, Frizzelli A, Ritondo BL, Pistocchini E, Rogliani P et al. Impact of Sex on Proper Use of Inhaler Devices in Asthma and COPD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pharmaceutics. 2022;14(8):.
  17. Osborne ML, Vollmer WM, Linton KL, Buist AS. Characteristics of patients with asthma within a large HMO: a comparison by age and gender. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1998;157:123-8.
  18. Prescott E, Lange P, Vestbo J. Effect of gender on hospital admissions for asthma and prevalence of self-reported asthma: a prospective study based on a sample of the general population Copenhagen City Heart Study Group. Thorax. 1997;52:287-9.
  19. Ng TP, Niti M, Tan WC. Trends and ethnic differences in asthma hospitalization rates in Singapore, 1991 to 1998. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003;90:51-5.