
Janusmed sex and gender

Janusmed sex and gender – Escitalopram

Janusmed Sex and Gender is a knowledge database providing information on sex and gender aspects of drug treatment. The knowledge database is primarily intended to be used by physicians and healthcare professionals. The texts are general and should not be considered as treatment guidelines. The individual patient’s physician is responsible for the patient’s drug treatment.

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  1. Nationella riktlinjer för vård vid depression och ångestsyndrom 2021. Socialstyrelsen [www]. Socialstyrelsen. [updated 2021-04-01, cited 2021-05-14].
  2. LeGates TA, Kvarta MD, Thompson SM. Sex differences in antidepressant efficacy. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;44(1):140-154.
  3. Sramek JJ, Murphy MF, Cutler NR. Sex differences in the psychopharmacological treatment of depression. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2016;18(4):447-457.
  4. Kerber CS, Dyck MJ, Culp KR, Buckwalter K. Antidepressant treatment of depression in rural nursing home residents. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2008;29(9):959-73.
  5. Labaka A, Goñi-Balentziaga O, Lebeña A, Pérez-Tejada J. Biological Sex Differences in Depression: A Systematic Review. Biol Res Nurs. 2018;20(4):383-392.
  6. Jalnapurkar I, Allen M, Pigott T. Sex Differences in Anxiety Disorders: A Review. J Psychiatr Depress Anxiety. 2018;4(1):2-9.
  7. CELEXA (citalopram). US National Library of Medicine. DailyMed [www]. [updated 2019-08-13, cited 2021-03-08].
  8. LEXAPRO (escitalopram). US National Library of Medicine. DailyMed [www]. [updated 2020-09-09, cited 2021-03-08].
  9. Fudio S, Borobia AM, Piñana E, Ramírez E, Tabarés B, Guerra P et al. Evaluation of the influence of sex and CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 polymorphisms in the disposition of citalopram. Eur J Pharmacol. 2010;626:200-4.
  10. Le Bloc'h Y, Woggon B, Weissenrieder H, Brawand-Amey M, Spagnoli J, Eap CB et al. Routine therapeutic drug monitoring in patients treated with 10-360 mg/day citalopram. Ther Drug Monit. 2003;25:600-8.
  11. Reis M, Lundmark J, Bengtsson F. Therapeutic drug monitoring of racemic citalopram: a 5-year experience in Sweden, 1992-1997. Ther Drug Monit. 2003;25:183-91.
  12. Reis M, Aamo T, Spigset O, Ahlner J. Serum concentrations of antidepressant drugs in a naturalistic setting: compilation based on a large therapeutic drug monitoring database. Ther Drug Monit. 2009;31:42-56.
  13. Leinonen E, Lepola U, Koponen H, Kinnunen I. The effect of age and concomitant treatment with other psychoactive drugs on serum concentrations of citalopram measured with a nonenantioselective method. Ther Drug Monit. 1996;18:111-7.
  14. Reis M, Chermá MD, Carlsson B, Bengtsson F, Task Force for TDM of Escitalopram in Sweden. Therapeutic drug monitoring of escitalopram in an outpatient setting. Ther Drug Monit. 2007;29:758-66.
  15. Young EA, Kornstein SG, Marcus SM, Harvey AT, Warden D, Wisniewski SR et al. Sex differences in response to citalopram: a STAR*D report. J Psychiatr Res. 2009;43:503-11.
  16. Hildebrandt MG, Steyerberg EW, Stage KB, Passchier J, Kragh-Soerensen P, Danish University Antidepressant Group. Are gender differences important for the clinical effects of antidepressants?. Am J Psychiatry. 2003;160:1643-50.
  17. Pinto-Meza A, Usall J, Serrano-Blanco A, Suárez D, Haro JM. Gender differences in response to antidepressant treatment prescribed in primary care Does menopause make a difference?. J Affect Disord. 2006;93:53-60.
  18. Naranjo CA, Knoke DM, Bremner KE. Variations in response to citalopram in men and women with alcohol dependence. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2000;25:269-75.
  19. Läkemedelsverket. Citalopram – sänkt maxdos rekommenderas. Nyhet 2011-10-27.
  20. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA Drug Safety Communication: Revised recommendations for Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide) related to a potential risk of abnormal heart rhythms with high doses.
  21. Cipramil (citalopram). Summary of Product Characteristics. Swedish Medical Products Agency. [updated 2020-12-08, cited 2021-03-08].
  22. Cipralex (escitalopram). Summary of Product Characteristics. Swedish Medical Products Agency . [updated 2021-03-01, cited 2021-03-08].
  23. Forns J, Pottegård A, Reinders T, Poblador-Plou B, Morros R, Brandt L et al. Antidepressant use in Denmark, Germany, Spain, and Sweden between 2009 and 2014: Incidence and comorbidities of antidepressant initiators. J Affect Disord. 2019;249:242-252.
  24. Statistikdatabas för läkemedel. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2020 [cited 2021-03-10.]